How to get started with yoga?

You don't need to read books to replenish your knowledge, you don't need to struggle with the standards of accurate breathing and asanas, you just need to find a yoga studio that is convenient for you, go to the mat, and tell the teacher that you are a beginner and have no experience, and ask her to pay more attention to you.


  1. When is the best time to practice yoga?

Yoga can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

A morning workout will refresh you throughout the day, wake up your body after a long night of sleep, and improve stiffness.

A mid-day workout can help you relax for the day and have more energy and energy for the afternoon.

By practicing in the evening, the body and mind can rest and relax after a long day of hard work, and have a high-quality sleep.

Note: Don't practice too hard at night, avoid headstands and other exercises, as they will make you too excited to fall asleep.


  1. How many times a week is the best?

A practitioner of yoga, yoga is a required course. Practice morning, afternoon, and night. But back in life, we may not have as many opportunities to practice as often. So, three to four times a week is ok. If you want to do yoga to shape and lose fat, it is recommended to practice every day, but not too much, according to their own situation timely adjustment.


  1. Can women practice yoga during their periods?

First, avoid all postures that squeeze your belly. For example, in some postures that twist, the twist squeezes the internal organs and affects the pelvic area.

Second, avoid overexertion of the abdomen.

Third, avoid handstand exercises. (Until now, there was disagreement about whether you could stand on your head during your period. Some people say that handstand will let the blood flow back, toxins back to the body, affecting health; Some people say handstands improve blood circulation in the body and get blood out of the menstrual cycle. So far, we haven't been able to figure it out. So, at this stage, I advocate not standing on my head.


  1. Can you practice yoga at any age?

First of all, anyone can practice yoga, but everyone's body is different, according to their own needs to choose their own style, genre. For example, people with high blood pressure and heart disease are not suitable to do all kinds of inverted stereo, knee injuries are not suitable for standing too much practice and so on, yoga can be adjusted, choose their own.

Second, the age at which you practice yoga.

Start at 12 or 13, preferably 14 or 15. That way they can be integrated into the classroom and help with spinal development. And now the parent-child course age is reduced, but the premise is that the parent-child course teacher must be professional, the choice of posture is a child can do. Some seemingly can also do exercises, in fact, because children are small and soft, so they can do it, but not necessarily good for them. It needs a professional teacher to arrange it.

Older people can also practice yoga, but small or private classes can help prevent joint degeneration and stabilize calcium levels.


  1. Why do I feel dizzy and nauseous during or after practice

◆ Feeling dizzy while practicing may be due to a long empty stomach or low blood sugar.

◆ If you eat too much, the blood concentrates in the stomach, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain.

◆The mixer is breathless. Breathing is an important part of yoga. If in the process of practice, the breath is not smooth, hold your breath, will make the brain short of oxygen. Produce the phenomenon of dizziness and nausea.

In summary, if it happens in practice, you can lie on your back on the mat, breathe, feel better, you can practice, and then practice with others. If it is after class, go home and lie down, eat less greasy, meat food, breathing symmetry will improve.


  1. Is it normal for your body to shake during yoga?

Yoga poses are mostly held in asanas and seem to use a lot of energy to control the body.

In fact, practicing yoga can wake up the energy in the body and make it flow in the body.

Because usually very little exercise, just contact yoga, the body internal energy is less, the body will shake. In layman's terms, it means that you are not strong enough and the asana is beyond what the body can handle. But don't be discouraged, when the body wobbles, you can pull back a little bit, constant practice will bring more energy to the body.


  1. Why do your feet cramp?

First of all, it may be because the channels and collaterals are blocked. Pull back, adjust, re-enter, don't force yourself.

Secondly, calcium deficiency.

Third, and this is very important, if you find frequent cramps in the left thumb and ring finger, there is a good chance that you have kidney function problems, because these two places are the channels of the kidney.


  1. Why aren't you sweating during yoga?

The practice of yoga is static and leads the body to move through breathing, so the speed of breathing is the speed of movement. The slower pace of yoga rarely makes people sweat.

Yoga can flow out of the sweat from the body to the outflow, it takes away the body's toxins and cold, moisture, speed up blood circulation, is good for the health of the body. It's different from the sweats we pour out in the summer.


  1. Why is yoga gaining weight instead of losing weight?

There are two situations. The first one is relatively simple. If you keep a bad habit of eating too much calories and fat during exercise, it is inevitable to gain weight.

The second is that yoga tightens loose muscles, increases joint flexibility, body flexibility, makes people slim and curves. But as you practice, you gain muscle, you look slimmer, but you gain weight instead of losing it, and that's what you need to be happy about, because it's coming out. Do you want shape or weight? !


  1. Why do some people feel hungry after practicing yoga, while others don't?

Everyone's body structure is different. Some people don't feel hungry because yoga practice is slow, breathing drives the body, and it is an energy-saving aerobic exercise. At the same time, as the body's blood circulation is accelerated, it can promote the decomposition of fat into energy, and the decomposition of glycogen in the body is reduced, so there is no hunger after the exercise.

At the same time, the practice of yoga, the function of the body will be enhanced, is faster digestion, coupled with some twisting exercises, accelerated the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach, so you will feel hungry.

That's why yoga can make fat people thin and lean people gain weight.


  1. Do I need to be a vegetarian to practice yoga?

A vegetarian diet is not mandatory. It varies from person to person. But vegetarian, light, can let the blood flow more smoothly, reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body, is a way of healthy life. People who practice yoga for a long time will not consciously eat some light food, greasy meat food will be rejected, because the yoga posture to stimulate the body's glands, endocrine normal, diet will tend to normal. Of course, if you want to lose weight friends eat some light is better than eating fat.

Here we should pay attention to, two hours before the practice of yoga on an empty stomach, one hour after the practice can eat, but to moderate, do not eat a big meal, so that it is easy to get fat.


  1. Practiced yoga for some time, but still can't cross legs, or can't sit for a long time, how to improve?

First of all, because of practice of yoga frequency, if a month to practice one or two classes, three or four classes certainly can not sit; If your frequency is high and you can practice three or four times a week, it depends on whether you're doing it right. Being able to sit, being able to sit for long periods of time, is associated with the hip joints, the knee joints, the ankle joints, see if all of these exercises are using strength correctly.

Secondly, posture also has a certain effect, too fat, thigh muscles are too developed people can not easily cross-sit.


  1. Why do yoga legs feel thick?

Yoga thickens your thighs because you're using the wrong force. For example, stand on one leg and lift on one leg. If the iliopsoas muscles don't work, instead of starting at the base of the thigh and going up, use the strength of the foot to lift the entire leg. This will develop the thigh muscles towards the knee, resulting in the appearance of thicker legs.

On the other hand, the gluteal muscles don't work properly to stretch the legs back, but the muscles at the back of the thighs do, so the hips don't work, but the thighs. So it's better to use the right force than the big amplitude.


  1. What is the most important thing about yoga?

Seeing this problem, many teachers may say: The most important thing is of course breathing.

But the hardest part is actually practicing.

To practice, the breathing will come naturally. Some people think that I am too stiff, practice several times did not become soft; Some people think I'm soft yoga not let me progress, and  these "feel" stop you from close to the steps of yoga.

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